- College updates
- Global scholars
- Can choose between Oakland and London for their first year
- Try to connect with these students to bring them in their second year - not necessarily now, but keep in mind for future
- NUin
- About 250 students for second semester
- New minors
- Environmental engineering
- New combined majors
- ChemE and CS
- ChemE and DS
- Looking at combined engineering and business majors
- Going to be sending out surveys to get feedback from students
- Advising survey
- Engagement survey (how engaged are COE students in COE)
- Combined major surveys
- Looking at ME and CS combined major
- Previously looking at allowing Capstone projects to come from past projects from clubs, co-ops, etc.
- Looking at possibly offering credit for research done in clubs
- Going to be a course offered that offers credit for serving in the community (Roxbury Robotics was an example)
- Going to provide students in Oakland and London with club contacts for starting a club
- London clubs have money (their own money)
- Oakland might have funding too?
- What can people at other universities do in a short amount of time
- Might send out a general list of the clubs to all students in Global Scholars
- Noon on Wednesdays - no classes, could have multi-campus meetings
- Let the Dean know about cool events (multi-campus) for food!
- Undergraduate Team
- Scranton award
- Pulling together more of an events calendar
- Want to increase participation with COE and non-COE
- Contact Jenny Nelson or Dean Freeman
- Working on fixing email list so all clubs are
- Want to have a shared slack for SAC for anyone to join
- Main form of communication for COE clubs
- No more teams